Dr. Zafer Buyukkececi | Sociology | Best Researcher Award
Dr. Zafer Buyukkececi, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Germany
Professional Profile 🎓
Summary of Suitability for Best Researcher Award 🌍
Zafer Büyükkeçeci is highly suitable for the Best Researcher Award based on his exceptional academic background, extensive research contributions, and involvement in a wide range of high-impact research projects. Below is a summary of his qualifications:
Education 📚
- PhD in Microsociology – Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany (2017–2021)
- Thesis: Network Effects on Demographic Behavior
- Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Anette Fasang, Prof. Dr. Thomas Leopold
- MSc in Sociology (With Distinction) – Tilburg University, Netherlands (08/2014–02/2015)
- Thesis: Income Homogamy Across Time and Countries
- Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Gosta Esping-Andersen, Dr. Wilfred Uunk
- Research Master in Sociology and Demography – Pompeu Fabra University, Spain (09/2013–06/2014)
- GPA: 8.5/10
- BA in Environmental Engineering – Istanbul Technical University, Turkey (09/2007–02/2013)
Work Experience 💼
- Research Scientist / Postdoctoral Associate – Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (11/2023 – Ongoing)
- Research Assistant / Postdoctoral Associate – University of Cologne, Institute of Sociology and Social Psychology (04/2020 – 11/2023)
- Research Assistant – Humboldt University of Berlin, Microsociology (02/2019 – 04/2020)
- Research Assistant – University of Bamberg / The State Institute for Family Research, Professorship of Demography (02/2017 – 02/2019)
- Research Assistant – Maastricht University, Research Centre for Education and Labour Market (ROA) (05/2015 – 01/2017)
Awards & Recognition 🏅
- ECSR Prize for Best PhD Thesis (2nd Place, 2021) – European Consortium for Sociological Research
- NORFACE ERA-NET Cofund Grant (1.43M €) Contributor – Project: Inequality, Early Adult Life Courses and Economic Outcomes at Mid-Life in Comparative Context (EQUALLIVES)
- German Research Foundation (DFG) Grant (110,000 €) Contributor – Project: Network Effects on Fertility
- ERC Grants Contributor – KINMATRIX and BIOSFER
Research Skills 🔬
- Quantitative Methods:
- Panel Data Analysis, Longitudinal Data Analysis
- Sequence Analysis, Multilevel Modeling
- Event History Analysis, Social Network Analysis
- Software & Tools:
- R, Stata, Python
- LaTeX, SQL
- Survey Design & Data Collection:
- Large-scale survey design, Demographic data analysis
- Experimental research methods
- Demographic & Sociological Research Areas:
- Social Networks and Demographic Behavior
- Fertility and Family Dynamics
- Socioeconomic Inequality and Life Course Analysis
- Migration and Labor Market Outcomes