Dr. Zafer Buyukkececi | Sociology | Best Researcher Award Dr. Zafer Buyukkececi, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Germany Zafer Büyükkeçeci is a post-doctoral research scientist at the Max Planck
Dr. Bastian Höchst | Immunology | Best Scholar Award Dr. Bastian Höchst, Institute of Molecular Immunology, Germany PD Dr. rer. nat. Bastian Höchst is a Research Group Leader at the
Mr. Henry Chima Ukwuoma | Computer Science | Best Researcher Award Mr. Henry Chima Ukwuoma, IMT MINES ALES, France Henry Chima Ukwuoma is an accomplished data scientist and researcher with
Dr. Gianluca Sigismondo | Biochemistry | Inspirational Scientist Visionary Award Dr. Gianluca Sigismondo, German Cancer Research Center, Germany Gianluca Sigismondo is a Group Leader in the Department of Neuropathology at
Mr. Christian Joachim Entenmann | Medicine | Best Researcher Award Mr. Christian Joachim Entenmann, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany Christian Joachim Entenmann is a neurosurgical resident and researcher at the Department
Prof. Taher Alkhalaf | Organizational learning | Excellence in Research Prof. Taher Alkhalaf, University of Caen Normandy, France Taher Alkhalaf is an accomplished academic and professional with extensive experience in
Mr. Gael Plantard | Environmental | Best Researcher Award Mr. Gael Plantard, National Center for Scientific Research, France Gael Plantard is a University Professor in the Department of Chemical and
Dr. Lukas Preis | Engineering | Best Researcher Award Dr. Lukas Preis, Technische Universität München, Germany Lukas Preis is an accomplished aerospace enthusiast and Ph.D. candidate specializing in Urban Air
Dr. Hameau Philippe | Anthropology | Best Researcher Award Dr. Hameau Philippe, Université Côte d'Azur (Nice), France Philippe Hameau is a distinguished figure in the field of archaeology and anthropology, with
Ms. McKenna Davis | Urban Sustainability | Best Researcher Award Ms. McKenna Davis, Ecologic Institute, Germany McKenna Davis, an American environmental policy expert is a Senior Fellow and Coordinator for